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Macintyre Falls Lookout

Adjacent to a well-equipped picnic area, Macintyre Falls lookout offers scenic views over the river, with nearby swimming, hiking and fishing opportunities.

Just a short drive from Lemon Tree Flat campground is Macintyre Falls picnic area, with tables and barbecues offering an ideal place to settle down for lunch in the shade of white cypress pines. Before you do though, follow a 200 metre trail to Macintyre Falls lookout, with great views and birdwatching over the high, scenic gorge and rushing waterfall.

While it’s tempting to linger here, there are plenty of other attractions in the surrounding area to compete for your attention. Steps and a boardwalk have been built right down to the river (600 metres), where a plunge pool provides a terrific swimming spot surrounded by nature. At a small adjacent beach you can also swim under the towering cliff on the Macintyre’s northern bank.

Bring a fishing rod too: Murray cod, catfish, and golden perch are plentiful in the water. Be sure to mind the slippery rocks though.

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